In the latest episode of The High Profit Event Show, hosted by Rudy Rodriguez, we are joined by guest, Krystalore Crews, founder of Crews Beyond Limits. Krystalore’s background is impressive and multifaceted. She is a retired US Air Force veteran with 22 years of service, a former NFL cheerleader, and a 26-time marathoner. After her time in the military and professional athletics, Krystalore transitioned into a new career as a motivational speaker, bestselling author, leadership consultant, and event leader. She now runs transformative events like retreats and bootcamps, focusing on helping women regain control of their well-being and vitality. As a holistic wellness coach, her approach goes beyond fitness, delving into the core of self-care and personal growth.
During this episode, we explore three major themes that are highly relevant to event leaders. First, building and engaging a community is Krystalore’s cornerstone strategy. She emphasizes that creating a space where people feel valued and heard is essential to filling your events. Through social media and email marketing, Krystalore has grown a thriving, free online community. Within this space, she offers monthly five-day challenges, which lead participants into deeper engagements like memberships, masterminds, and retreats. For event leaders struggling to fill seats, this approach shows the power of nurturing a dedicated community.
Second, Krystalore shares the power of structured, value-driven challenges. Her five-day challenge, known as the Freedom Formula, guides participants through five key areas: core values, confidence, consistency, community, and celebration. This framework not only helps her audience achieve meaningful outcomes during the challenge but also encourages them to continue working with her through more comprehensive offers. The structured, step-by-step nature of this challenge is a great example for event leaders looking to create a journey that engages and converts attendees.
Lastly, we dive into the importance of seamless follow-up systems to maximize conversions. Krystalore reveals how she and her team stay engaged with participants beyond the challenge, ensuring that they feel supported and connected. Her use of social proof, including testimonials and live interviews with past clients, adds credibility and encourages others to take the next step. For event leaders, this strategy highlights the critical need for timely follow-up to maintain momentum and turn interest into lasting relationships.
This episode is packed with actionable insights from Krystalore Crews on how to effectively fill, engage, and convert your event attendees by leveraging community, structure, and follow-up. It’s a must-listen for any event leader looking to elevate their impact.
Want to connect with Krystalore?
Free Habit Tracker https://www.krystalorecrews.com/habittracker
Free 30 min acceleration call https://www.krystalorecrews.com/book
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krystalore-crews/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecrewscoach/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/krystalore
Website: https://www.krystalorecrews.com/
Free Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crewsbeyondlimits
Virtual Event Page: https://www.krystalorecrews.com/bombshellbootcamp
Retreat Event Page: https://www.krystalorecrews.com/revivalretreat Want to learn more about Rudy’s work at V.E.S.T. Your Virtual Event Sales Team? Check out his website at https://virtualeventsalesteam.com/.