Hi, I’m Rudy Rodriguez, CEO of V.E.S.T.- Your Virtual Event Sales Team.
If you’re ready to have a professional sales team help you get more high-ticket clients at your next live virtual event, then we can help you.
We are a sales team you can TRUST to get more high paying coaching clients and mastermind members fast… without having to be “saley” or use high-pressure sales techniques.
Our team of leaders and A-player sales professionals have 40+ years combined experience in sales and events. We’ve generated $20+ Million in sales of coaching, education and mentorship programs since 2015, and over $1.7 Million in sales – exclusively with live virtual seminars – so far.
If you’ve already done successful in person events but you’re hesitant to try a live virtual event, we can help you have your most profitable event ever… virtually.
Schedule a strategy session with us so we can help you have a highly profitable virtual event, and fill your coaching and mastermind programs FAST.