Discover Your Perfect Virtual Event Length: How to Boost Your Sales and Keep People Engaged!

Hey there, my name is Rudy Rodriguez, and I’m excited to share some awesome takeaways with you today! Recently, I went on an incredible adventure at a relationship retreat led by a remarkable woman named Alison Armstrong. But before we dive into that, let me give you a little sneak peek into my personal life.
My Mind-Blowing Experience at a Relationship Retreat with Alison Armstrong!

Hey there, my name is Rudy Rodriguez, and I’m excited to share some awesome takeaways with you today! Recently, I went on an incredible adventure at a relationship retreat led by a remarkable woman named Alison Armstrong. But before we dive into that, let me give you a little sneak peek into my personal life.
How To Maximize Your Virtual Event Sales!

Hey there, I’m Rudy Rodriguez, and I’ve had the chance to work with big brands and experts in the past 8 years, help them make over 30 million dollars in sales from coaching, mentorship, and education programs at their live events. Due to the pandemic situation, many of my clients had to switch their events to an online platform. They felt confident about selling in person, but going online posed a challenge. So, I teamed up with my colleagues and cracked the code for high ticket sales at virtual events. Since then we have successfully supported over one hundred virtual events, several of of them earning multiple six figures and even outperforming their in-person counterparts.
Today, I want to share with you the three key components for a successful sales system at your online seminars and events. Let’s dive in!