Hey there, friends! Today, I want to talk about something super cool – how to figure out the perfect length for your virtual event so that you can boost sales and maximize engagement with your Audience.  So, let’s dive right in!

Virtual events are super popular these days – webinars, conferences, workshops – you name it! But the big question is, how long should they be? I’ve got some secrets to share!

Back in 2015, some folks said humans have an attention span shorter than a goldfish – that’s less than eight seconds! But guess what? That study was totally fake news! Humans are now at paying attention to online stuff for way longer!

So what does that mean for you? It’s a huge chance to create amazing events, sell your programs, and reach more people. Exciting, right?

Now, let’s get to the good stuff – how to choose the perfect duration for your virtual event. I’ve got a simple three-step plan!

Step one: Know what you want! Ask yourself, “What’s the goal of my event?” Is it a workshop? A seminar? Do you wanna make a low or high-priced offer? If it’s under $2,000, aim for around 45 to 90 minutes. Give people value, answer questions, and help them out.

Step two: Think about your audience! Are they working 9 to 5 or busy parents with specific times to join? Or maybe they’re super flexible entrepreneurs? Match the event length with their schedules!

Step three: Plan it out! Consider all the fun stuff you wanna include – Q&A sessions, breakout rooms, and more. Remember, adding interactions takes a little extra time. Plan wisely!

Now, here’s the trick – stick to the time you decide. Going too short might leave folks wanting more, and going too long might lose their interest. So, stick to your plan!

If you follow these simple steps, you’ll rock your virtual event! Trust me, it works like magic. But, remember, it’s not always easy-peasy. Sometimes you gotta tweak and learn. You got this!

Before I go, don’t forget to share this awesome video with your friends, and subscribe to our podcast, The High Profit Event Show. You’ll meet incredible experts with tons of event-hosting tips!

Thanks for hanging out! See you on the other side!