Hey there, I’m Rudy Rodriguez, and I’ve had the chance to work with big brands and experts in the past 8 years, help them make  over 30 million dollars in sales from coaching, mentorship, and education programs at their live events. Due to the pandemic situation, many of my clients had to switch their events to an online platform. They felt confident about selling in person, but going online posed a challenge. So, I teamed up with my colleagues and cracked the code for high ticket sales at virtual events. Since then we have successfully supported over one hundred  virtual events, several of of them earning multiple six figures and even outperforming their in-person counterparts.

Today, I want to share with you the three key components for a successful sales system at your online seminars and events. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Get Ready Before the Event

Before your event kicks off, take the time to gather information about your registered participants. Create a spreadsheet and analyze their needs, wants, goals, and desires. Personally, we love reaching out to each registrant through a call campaign. We remind them about the event, confirm dates and times, and enroll them in the event agenda. Additionally, we ask them about their challenges or goals in their business or personal life. Documenting this information is crucial because it helps tailor your content and offerings to their specific needs. By confirming registrations and conducting these calls, you can boost your show-up rates from 60-70% to a staggering 80-90%. Plus, consider scheduling free one-on-one consultations with your team members during the event to provide personalized value.

Step 2: Engage Your Audience During the Event

When the event is underway, your role as a thought leader or seminar leader is to deliver valuable content and keep your audience engaged. Online events require shorter attention spans, so consider reducing your event duration to four to six hours. You could even go for two hours a day, just like one of our clients did. Keeping participants engaged is crucial, and there are numerous techniques for doing so, but that’s a topic for another time. What matters here is that during the event, offer individual meetings with your registration or enrollment team members. Position these meetings as valuable additions, lasting around 45 minutes to an hour. Use a consultative-based sales process to provide value and ask permission to share more about your programs. To mitigate their risk aversion, present a $497 zero-risk refundable deposit during these consultations. By moving your participants forward through a surveying process and micro commitments, you ensure a seamless and comfortable experience.

Step 3: Follow Up for Post-Event Success

After your event concludes, don’t forget the crucial post-event phase. Track your numbers diligently and maintain a clear follow-up plan. Know how many people attended, had conversations, and are progressing in the sales process. A well-executed follow-up plan can boost your sales by 10-20% in the one or two days following the event. Remember, money lies in effective follow-up. It’s essential to keep participants engaged and complete sales conversations during or at most one day after the event. Promptness is key since everyone is hopping from one online event to another. Create a positive experience, build trust, and secure agreements.

If you found these tips valuable and want to learn more, feel free to email me at [email protected] or request a free consultation on our website- CLICK HERE!. I hope you found this information helpful and wish you a fantastic day.